Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Proofing with Liliana Lima de Lázaro and Ayax Paris at Delarrarte

Last Thursday, March 7th, was the my first day at Delarrarte to work on the press. We worked on proofing a couple of the images I had been hand-printing in the studio, Moonlight at Glade Park and Aspen/Lone Cone.  Here are some photos from that two hour session.
Lili inking the block

On the press

Going through the press

Various stages of proofs

Ayax and Lili with Aspen/Lone Cone using chine de colle for the blue color

Saturday, March 2, 2013

An Update on Twelve Views of Lone Cone

Proofing different stages of a print.
Actually experimenting with the process, inking different parts of the block,
combining two different blocks, trying out colors.
Some studies in watercolor and gouache.
Other studies in colored pencil and ink.  
Proofs of four different blocks.
Some other proofs.

Bringing this project with me to Spain has presented various challenges mostly technical having to do with materials and supplies. First, I can't just order supplies from McClain's in Oregon and have them shipped to Europe (the best source for materials and tools for making Moku Hanga (Japanese woodblock prints).  Second, how to keep those tools sharp? I am not that experienced and did not bring the right things to sharpen tools. Have been looking and looking and trying many different ways, but no success yet. Doing the best with what I have. And paper, no Japanese printmaking paper available here.
This week I will be working in a print shop on a press.
Look for a new more comprehensive post about that experience later next week!
Two small prints I brought with me that I am using as a basis for a larger block print.