Wednesday, May 16, 2012

" "Mt. Fuji" - iconic, singular, a beacon."

 Photo Courtesy of Mike Perholtz
What makes something iconic. According to the OED "Of, or pertaining to, or resembling an icon:"
An icon is "A person or thing regarded as a representative symbol of a culture, movement, etc. ;
someone or something afforded great admiration or respect."
After living in the mountains for the last 24 years I know that people feel this way about a peak that  is a presence in their life on a daily basis or one that they have always wanted to climb. The shape of Lone Cone and it's singular presence could be representative of all volcanic mountains
that stand alone.
In the Lonely Planet Guide to the Canary Islands,  Josephine Quintero referred to El Teide on Tenerife as an "emblematic pyramid".
I suppose all these musings are about trying to get the essence of a particular aspect of the landscape.
Up until now my plein air paintings have been a visual record of what is happening on a particular day at the Lone Cone, and right now what is happening is fresh and new green on trees near and far.
Here are a couple of paintings from last week.

1 comment:

  1. loving the paintings, meredith. lone cone has always been an icon for Norwood. one friend tagged my spot at Cloud Acre as "looking south to lone cone"
    and that is the orientation of my property, and "my north"
